LIFE and Gijbels are developing the Stationspostkantoor in The Hague
Life and Gijbels are developing the stationspostkantoor in The Hague.
PostNL as the first tenant to occupy a major part of the building.
LIFE and Gijbels Group ( are redeveloping the Stationspostkantoor on Waldorpstraat in The Hague. They are doing this together with SENS real estate, marking the first step in a long-term cooperation under the name LIFE MAKES SENS (LMS).
HS quarter
The development of this historic building will play an important role in the area development at Hollands Spoor, the HS quarter, also a development project.
In the coming years, the entire area (230,000 m² in total) will be developed into a mixed residential and working environment that will give a new impulse to the area around Hollands Spoor station and the centre of The Hague. With PostNL announcing today that it will move its headquarters to the Stationspost building in mid-2021, a large part of the building (30,000 m²) has been leased and the first concrete steps in the area development are being taken.
The redevelopment of the Stationspostgebouw marks the start of the development of the HS Quarter, the area around Hollands Spoor station where a total of 230,000 m² of mixed living and working environment will be created. (Architect: KCAP Architects&Planners)
The redevelopment of the Stationspostgebouw
The PostNL head office will move from Prinses Beatrixlaan in The Hague to the Stationspostgebouw at NS station The Hague HS by the end of June 2021 at the latest. The Central Works Council (COR) of PostNL is positive about the move and the contract with the landlord of the Stationspostgebouw was signed this week. This makes the imminent relocation of the PostNL head office final.
The Station Post Building has a rich history. Chief state architect G.C. Bremer developed this office in 1932. Construction began in 1940 and taken into use in 1949, after being temporarily halted because of the war. The Station Post building was Bremer’s last design and due to its special qualities, it became a national monument.
The redevelopment will restore the building to its former glory. The history will also be reflected in the future tenants as well as a new way of working. For example, PostNL will establish its headquarters here; thus coming home after a couple of decades. Fosbury & Sons will occupy the rest of the building with their modern concept, attracting creative companies and creating an inviting atmosphere.
HS Quarter, more city centre
The redevelopment of the Stationspostgebouw is the start of the development of the HS quarter, the area development in Laakhavens around Hollands Spoor station. This development encompasses the Stationspostgebouw acquired by, the Globe and Ontwikkelplot, located on Waldorpstraat in The Hague. In total, the development covers approximately 230,000m² of multifunctional urban development with a large housing supply.
The aim of this development is an extension of the city centre with an important upgrading of the public space and the redevelopment of Waldorpstraat into a green and vital lifeline for this new part of the city.

Written by
Katrien Engels