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The rise of the gig economy has changed the way we work forever

This new way of working is transforming the way we live and bank.

Louis Armstrong

Louis Armstrong © Photocollective Anefo

Fascinatingly, the term ‘gig economy’ finds its roots in jazz music. The term ‘gig’ was first coined in 1915 by jazz musicians to refer to their individual performances. It’s a term that’s now used by all genres of musicians, and even non-musicians.

What is gig economy?

When applied to this modern model of work, the term ‘gig’ is almost synonymous with ‘project’ or ‘flex.’ Essentially, it emphasizes the contained, one-off nature of the task at hand for which the worker—whether they’re a jazz musician, graphic designer, or something else entirely—is hired to complete.

In a gig economy, temporary, flexible jobs are commonplace and companies tend to hire independent contractors and freelancers instead of full-time employees. A gig economy undermines the traditional economy of full-time workers who often focus on their career development.

– Original article posted at

Award winning project ARC

Creating an interesting proposition for all inhabitants of a communal area can create a gig-like economy serving multiple purposes.

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